State (Bundesland): Nordrhein-Westfalen
Inhabitants: 589499
It covers an area of: 210,37 sqkm
Breitengrad: 51°27'25
Großstadt (Big City) since: 1896
Places to visit in Essen
First of all you should consult the official homepage of Essen to get more information.- Villa Hügel
Books about Essen
essenPlaces to visit near Essen
Essen, Germany Travel Guide 2023: An Exhaustive Guide to Flourish in Safety, Comfort, and Cost-effectiveness While Exploring the Heart of Germany (Affiliate-Link),
Stayton, Ella, Independently published, Taschenbuch, , 9,72 €
Played in Germany: A Footballing Journey Through a Nation's Soul (Affiliate-Link),
Holden, Kit, Duckworth Books, Taschenbuch, 0715655418, 10,99 €
ESSEN TRAVEL GUIDE 2024 AND BEYOND: Dive into cultural exploration with the all-encompassing Cultural Index, uncovering hidden gems and immersing yourself in lesser-known local allure. (Affiliate-Link),
NOAH, Dr JASON C, Independently published, Taschenbuch, , 19,48 €
Essen travel guide 2024: Explore Essen: Unveiling hidden gems,culinary delights & cultural wonders in Germany's heartland- Your ultimate travel companion (Affiliate-Link),
Vivian, Natasha, Independently published, Taschenbuch, , 17,84 €
Wine Atlas of Germany (Affiliate-Link),
Braatz, Dieter, University of California Press, Gebundene Ausgabe, 0520260678, 60,00 €
Bruckmann Reiseführer: 99 x Niederrhein, wie Sie ihn noch nicht kennen. 99x Kultur, Natur, Essen und Hotspots abseits der bekannten Highlights. (Affiliate-Link),
Busch, Roland, Bruckmann, Broschiert, 3734314313, 12,00 €
Chicco Pocket Snack Kindersitzerhöhung Esszimmerstuhl für Kinder von 6 Monaten bis 3 Jahren 15kg,tragbarer und verstellbarer Babyhochstuhl mit kompaktem Verschluss und abnehmbarem Tablett DARK GREY (Affiliate-Link),
, Artsana Germany GmbH, Babyartikel, , 39,99 €
Mosel Wine (Affiliate-Link),
Carlberg, Lars, Dolman Scott Ltd, Taschenbuch, 1915351006, 16,92 €
Weitere Produkte zum Thema Essen travel Germany bei (Affiliate-Link)
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