Germany Soccer World Cup in 2006

Soccer is the most famous sport in Germany so it is not surprising that all of Germany is waiting instantly for the Soccer World Cup in Germany in 2006.
Date: 09.06.2006 - 09.07.2006
The official FIFA site:

Locations of the games


  • Argentinia
  • Brasil
  • Germany
  • France
  • Italy
  • Netherlands

  • Books about German soccer

    Germany Deutschland Fußball Strickschal Schal Weiß (Matchtrikot)Germany Deutschland Fußball Strickschal Schal Weiß (Matchtrikot) (Affiliate-Link),
    , Poland, Textilien, , 19,85 €

    Mondo Sport - DEUTSCHLAND Genähter Fußball - Offizielles Produkt - Größe 5 - 400 g - 23021Mondo Sport - DEUTSCHLAND Genähter Fußball - Offizielles Produkt - Größe 5 - 400 g - 23021 (Affiliate-Link),
    , Mondo, Ausrüstung, , 20,09 €

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    , IIIII20Fo7IIIII, Textilien, , 26,95 €

    Played in Germany: A Footballing Journey Through a Nation's SoulPlayed in Germany: A Footballing Journey Through a Nation's Soul (Affiliate-Link),
    Holden, Kit, Duckworth Books, Taschenbuch, 0715655418, 10,99 €

    HO Soccer Squadra Turf Negative Germany Torwarthandschuhe, Unisex, Kinder, Schwarz/Rot/Gelb, 3HO Soccer Squadra Turf Negative Germany Torwarthandschuhe, Unisex, Kinder, Schwarz/Rot/Gelb, 3 (Affiliate-Link),
    , HO SOCCER, Ausrüstung, , 20,50 €

    Tasse Tassen 325ml - 2024 Fussball EM Fanartikel - Fußballer Germany Personalisiert mit Namen Deutschland - 325 ml - Hellgrün - custom mug soccer wm fan eigener aufschriftTasse Tassen 325ml - 2024 Fussball EM Fanartikel - Fußballer Germany Personalisiert mit Namen Deutschland - 325 ml - Hellgrün - custom mug soccer wm fan eigener aufschrift (Affiliate-Link),
    Geschenk mit Namen personalisiert by Shirtracer, Shirtracer, , , 16,90 €

    The Bundesliga Blueprint: How Germany became the Home of Football (Soccer Coaching)The Bundesliga Blueprint: How Germany became the Home of Football (Soccer Coaching) (Affiliate-Link),
    Price, Lee, Bennion Kearny Limited, Taschenbuch, 1910515329, 18,27 €

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    , LivGroup, , , 3,56 €

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