Wonderful German Children's books / Child books
Great literature for kids from Germany in English from Michael Ende to Erich Kaestner. Here you can find lots of wonderful childrenbooks from German authors. Some of these might be already known by you but you did not realize that these books were written by a German author.Test your knowledge about Germany!
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Certainly German kids love also (Paid link) Harry Potter and there are already lots of books about witches and wizards on the market but here you will find some other very famous children's books from German (or in Germany living) authors. One who is clearly comparable with Joanne Rowling is Cornelia Funke. Her books are known worldwide and children love to read these fantastic stories like:
Heinrich Hoffmann
- (Paid link) Struwwelpeter by Heinrich Hoffmann - This book describes how children disbehave (like the habit of finger nail biting or to play with fire ) and what the consequences of their disbehavior is. - visit the Struwwelpeter Museum in Frankfurt
- (Paid link) Struwwelpeter: Fearful Stories and Vile Pictures to Instruct Good Little Folks
Erich Kästner
Unfortunately, most of his wonderful books are out of stock at amazon.- (Paid link) Emil and the Detectives (Chivers Childrens Audio Books) by Erich Kastner, Jonathan Cecil
- (Paid link) Emil and the Three Twins by Erich Kastner, Jonathan Cecil
a wonderful book - playing before the Second Worldwar - about Emil, a young boy form the country who visits his grandma in Berlin. But on the way there - in the train - all his money is stolen and before he gets to his Grandma he has to catch the thief and gets great help from a Berlin kids gang.
another great adventure of Emil and his friends (Gustav, Professor, …)
Ende, Michael
- (Paid link) Momo - a wonderful book not only for children about the meaning of time
- (Paid link) The Neverending Story - again a wonderful book and much better than the movie
- (Paid link) The Night of Wishes by Michael Ende, Heike Schwarzbauer, Rick Takvorian (Translator), Regina Kehn (Illustrator)
Otfried Preussler
- (Paid link) El Bandido Saltodemata Y LA Bola De Cristal/the Robber Hotzenplot and the Crystal Ball by Otfried Preussler
- (Paid link) Satanic Mill by Otfried Preussler, Anthea Bell
- (Paid link) The Tale of the Unicorn by Otfried Preussler, Gennady Sprin (Illustrator)
Johanna Spyri
- (Paid link) Heidi a story of a young orphan sent to live with her grumpy grandfather in the Swiss Alps
- (Paid link) El Cocodrilo Feliz/the Happy Crocodile by Janosch
- (Paid link) Yo Te Curare, Dijo El Pequeno Oso/I Will Take Care of You, Said the Little Bear by Janosch
- (Paid link) I'll Make You Well, Tiger, Said the Bear by Janosch
Wolfgang Ecke
- (Paid link) The Face at the Window (Treehouse Paperbacks) by Wolfgang Ecke
- (Paid link) The Bank Holdup (Treehouse Paperbacks) by Wolfgang Ecke, Rolf Rettich (Illustrator)
Helme Heine
- (Paid link) Friends Go Adventuring by Helme Heine
- (Paid link) The Boxer and the Princess by Helme Heine (Illustrator)
- (Paid link) The Thief Lord a Dickens story with a Venetian setting by Cornelia Funke
German Childrenbook
4 Stück Deutsch Magisches Heft, Deutsch Magisches Übungsheft, übungsheft mit 1 Stiften, 8 Nachfüllungen und 1 Schreibhilfe,Wiederverwendbare Handschriftliche Arbeitsbücher für Kinder (Affiliate-Link),
, MplehDa, Bürobedarf & Schreibwaren, , 7,69 €
Vtech Baby 80-191204 - Entdecker Laptop (Affiliate-Link),
, VTech, Spielzeug, , 20,79 €
VTech Mein cleveres Lexikon – Sprechendes, interaktives Lexikon zum Erweitern des Wortschatzes und Entdecken von Buchstaben und Lauten – Mit Musik – Für Kinder von 3-6 Jahren (Affiliate-Link),
, Vtech, Spielzeug, , 36,61 €
VTech 80-481204 Lernstufe 1 - Ein Tag im Kindergarten Magibook; Lernbuch; Lernbücher (Affiliate-Link),
, VTech, Spielzeug, , 10,66 €
LearnLyrics Große Malbücher, Malbücher für Kinder im Alter von 4–8 Jahren - 6 Stück Malbücher für Kinder - Malspielzeug für Kinder, Malbücher für die Eltern-Kind-Interaktion, Früherziehung (Affiliate-Link),
, LearnLyrics, , , 8,39 €
Toyseum Notebook-Variation (Platz) (Affiliate-Link),
, Toyseum, , , 27,42 €
Woollim Entertainment GOLDEN Child - Take A Leap (4th Mini Album) Album (A+B ver. Set) (Affiliate-Link),
, Woollim Entertainment, Haushaltswaren, , 48,58 €
Green Toys First Keys & Board Book (Affiliate-Link),
, GREEN TOYS INC, Spielzeug, , 59,26 €
Weitere Produkte zum Thema German childbook bei Amazon.de (Affiliate-Link)
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